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Trimformworks Health & Safety

Health and Safety is a priority that everyone at Trimformworks abide by, below are some of the outlines and processes we implement every time we build. 

First and foremost is the 5 points of PPE provided by Trimformworks to all our operatives

Times are changing and so are procedures along with health and safety legislations.



All operatives will submit a method statement and risk assessment 5 working days prior to works due to commence for approval. 

This will demonstrate that the works are organised in such a way that account is being taken of the risks specific to the set up and that the elements that contribute to safety are being given priority.

Rams will be issued by Site Management and signed off by all operatives before work commences.


After each toolbox talk meeting, Trimformworks supervisors will forward a copy of the dated attendance list of all present and a summary of the topics discussed. Toolbox Talks will be carried out weekly, following a safety breach and immediately after an extended break. 


All temporary works is designed by a competent designer, also independently checked by a Site Manager and approved for issue. 

No temporary works shall be erected unless an authorised method statement including safe systems of work based on risk assessments for significant risks for its erection has been prepared and agreed. 

Temporary works shall not be used or loaded unless inspected and certified by a competent person as correctly built to the agreed design. 

Temporary works shall not be removed until the TWC has certified that it is safe to do so. Dismantling will be carried out in accordance with the authorised Method Statement and Design. 


All working at height must be risk assessed using the “Hierarchy of Working at Height” as follows: 

- Scaffolding 

- Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) 

- Aluminium Scaffolding 

- Podium Ladders 

- Ladders 

- Fall Arrest 

Ladders must only be used where a safer working platform is impractical or more hazardous. 


Hot Works permit required for any cutting, grinding, welding or burning that may generate a spark. 1-hour fire watch required on completion of hot works and before closing out the permit. Main Contractor to provide fire extinguisher/screens/blankets etc. for the works.


All electrical equipment and power tools are  PAT tested every 3 months with a pat test tag for that period. All power tools are checked on a frequent basis.


Confined space permit to be prepared for work in confined space and only authorised and trained personnel may enter the area. Safety rescue equipment will be in place before work commences and emergency procedures developed prior to personnel entering the site. All confined space operations will be monitored by competent supervision. 


The introduction of alcohol or illegal drugs on any Trimformworks project is strictly prohibited. Anyone found under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be removed from site. Site Supervisors will have the right to prevent entry to site of any persons suspected of being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. 

Personnel using prescribed drugs, and/or with a medical condition, is required to inform the Site  Manager. Any information received will be treated confidentially.

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